Monday, January 12, 2009

A Lion?

Oh….my Abby. She never ceases to amaze me, but she does seem to be able to embarass me!!

What you have to know about Abby is she is as cute as a button but mischevious. She loves to dress up in frilly dresses while playing with her cars and dinosaurs before she goes and climbs the nearest tree. She’s tough as nails too! She never backs down from a fight but can melt a heart with her smile.

Vacation Bible School started this week and we were thrilled that the girls were excited about going! We were hoping that they would make some new friends and we are looking forward to visiting the church.

Our neighbor brought the girls home tonight. Abby crawled out of the car and just looked plain exhausted! I commented on her tired look and my friend giggled. I asked her what was so funny. She proceeded to tell me what happened at VBS.

It seems that Abby was all into the theme tonight. Oh…did I mention that Abby has a great imagination? Seems like Abby pretended to be a lion all night long, roaring only as she can! But…that’s not all…not only did she communicate the whole night by only growling and roaring…she crawled around on all fours too!!

What a great way to get to know a church family, right?

That’s not all folks! Seems like Anna, my oldest, did her best at embarassing me too! They had pancakes and sausage for dinner, and with breakfast comes milk. Anna loves milk. From what I understand, someone in her VBS group dared her to chug a half gallon of milk. I never knew this, but it looks like Anna can’t live a dare down. She proceeded to chug the milk with the rest of 3rd and 4th graders chanting “CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!”

WOW! I am so proud! :)

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