Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"It's going to be a GREAT day!"

To say that Abby loves fried eggs would be an understatement.  She would eat them at every meal, every day.  It's a good thing that she is as active as she is or she would be in big trouble!  It is not uncommon for her to eat 3 fried eggs for breakfast come home from school and ask for more eggs for her snack.  We joke about "cutting her off" from her eggs. 

So this morning, for whatever reason, everyone was moving a bit slow.  I told Abby that I would fry her some eggs for breakfast.  She asked if she could have some jelly toast with them.  I told her that I could do that.  She jumped out of bed and exclaimed, "It's going to be a GREAT day!"

How can you not want to take the time to fix a kid eggs when it means that much to her??  Even though it made me skip washing my hair...I made her eggs and toast.

I am pretty sure fixing breakfasts like these on a busy work day morning should at least get me a vote for Mom of the Year!

She's a happy girl!


  1. This morning I was running late, so didn't have time to cook eggs like I normally do for my boys. But Matthew, bless his heart, cooked his own eggs and also cooked some eggs for his big brother.
