Thursday, April 19, 2012

Entrepreneur Fair

Tonight was the Entrepreneur Fair at the elementary school.  The 5th graders had to come up with a product, slogan, advertising campaign and then sale it.  Abby chose to make sno-cones and her friend made hair bows.  It was a great night full of fun and lots of energy!

They sold 51 sno-cones and 23 hair bows.  They learned what if felt like to serve customers and have a "rush."  They didn't just sale things.  They had to sample the wares of their friends.  Pop-corn balls, brownies, cup-cakes, pop-sickles, and bacon kabobs....yes....bacon kabobs...were enjoyed.  The thing was the most exciting for Abby was the hair dyeing booth.

She chose to have a section of her hair dyed blue  to get ready for the upcoming soccer tournament. Here is what it looked like after it had dried.

So, although it was a LONG day and it was hot and loud, the girls left happy and feeling good about themselves.  What more could you ask for??

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