Thursday, April 5, 2012

Emotions of a Pastor's Family

As a family, we keep moving toward Aaron's graduation and the BIG move.  I can't help but be a bit reflective at times and my emotions are like a roller coaster.  I bounce between excitement, sadness, anxiousness....

I have always said that being in ministry is all about building relationships for it is within those relationships that one can truly share the love of Christ.  When moves loom, those relationships can cause heartache.  We have said goodbye to congregations and friends before and I wish I could say it get easier, but it doesn't.  I guess we would not be living out our faith if it did.

Perhaps the hardest part of this move is watching our girls deal with their emotions while trying to managing our own!!  They are just really starting to understand the depth of the love that God has for them and struggling with why in the midst of that love He would ask them to leave that which they find comfortable.  There are lots of tears and lots of stress involved in trying to wrestle with these things.  Pastor families struggle with the same issues as other families.  It is just a reminder that emotions are fragile

Sorry for the rambling...I warned you though in an earlier post that I may be rambling about our upcoming move.  Don't get me wrong, we know that God has called us to this new place (hoping to be able to reveal soon!) and we are excited about it, but transitions even if good ones are difficult.  Please pray for all families dealing with being called to a new place.  

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts and prayers and know that God and his loving family will help with your move.
