Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No one ever said it was going to be easy....

Over the last five years, I have been slowly plugging along on a masters degree.  I have done this while working full-time (for the majority of it), managing a family with two very active daughters, supporting a husband who was going to school full time, and being an active church member.  There were many times that I questioned whether I should be going to school, if I was smart enough to go to school, or if it was worth the sacrifice that was being made by my girls, husband, extended family and friends.  I simply was not available to folks as I wanted to be.

Most of the time I felt that I wasn't doing anything well.  It was a rough few years, and I never want to repeat that kind of situation.  I literally felt that I was stretched so thin that I was going to be pulled apart.  There are folks who encouraged me along the way...sometimes gentle prodding, sometimes speaking the truth in love and sometimes giving me a "slap upside the head."  For those individuals, I will always be grateful.

On May 25, 2013, I walked across the stage in Wilmore, KY and received a Masters of Arts Degree in Christian Ministries, Servant Theology.  I don't know who was more or the family!
Since I "earned" most of my degree while sitting on a soccer field, the girls wanted to take advantage of the goals for this picture!  There's nothing like doing homework on the sidelines!
I survived and thrived!!  Woohoo!!
The 'rents were pretty excited too!  Both of their girls have now finished  master degrees!

So excited that mom is finished!! one ever said it was going to be easy, but it was worth it!  As I sat in the graduation ceremony, I couldn't help but think of all those who do not have the opportunity to learn...maybe it is because of their gender, race, economic situation or belief in their ability.  For them, I am saddened.  It may not be easy...but anything usually worth doing isn't!

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