Here are a few things that I have discovered:
1. No matter where you go, people need God. The peace, love, grace, and acceptance that is available because of the acts of Christ are needed in the hills and hollers as much as it is needed in the inner city or the growing suburbs.
2. There is nothing sweeter than sitting on the porch visiting with neighbors and friends.
3. Ministry is about relationships--forming new ones and nurturing old ones, but most importantly, not neglecting one's own relationship with Jesus Christ. It is imperative that it takes precedent over any other relationship.
4. It is humbling to be the face of God to a community of believers and non-believers.
5. There is no better food than what is prepared for a covered dish dinner! Be open to trying different things.
6. You need to keep some "go-to" items to whip up a dessert or dish for a neighbor in need--emotionally or physically!
7. Do not underestimate the power or need of a home, hospital, nursing home, school or any other type of personal visit. Always accept the glass of tea or water that is offered. Allow people to show you hospitality.
8. Plan for the unexpected. Do not schedule your time so much that you have no time for the things that will become the most important.
9. If the house is a mess, you will have company! Folks don't come to the parsonage to check up on your housecleaning skills...well, at least most of them don't! :-)
10. If the wind blows, the sun shines, it rains, snows or hails...the electricity will go out. Be prepared with extra water, flashlights, not be caught without water or you won't be able to flush the toilet!!
11. When you feel like you cannot face one more situation of despair, remember that you are not in this alone. You have a God that is bigger than the worst situation, who loves you and all of those around you, and who desires the very best for all of his beloved creation.
12. There is nothing more powerful than prayer--your prayers and those of others. Be transparent of your needs so those in your faith community can pray for you.
13. There will be folks who take advantage of you...don't be bitter. Keep offering assistance and love. Those are the folks who need it the most.
14. Learn how to cook deer, fish, squirrel....anything that can be shot, trapped or caught. Don't be squeamish!
15. Don't try to be perfect and don't expect your kids to be perfect either. Be real...and authentic!
16. willing to laugh at yourself. You are not going to do everything right....laugh when you need to do and ALWAYS be willing to apologize when you have offended.
I love it! It's good stuff even if you're not a preacher's wife. Especially the part about being transparent of your needs so others can pray for you and accepting hospitality.... all of it's good but those two really checked me! Sometimes you don't think about it in that way and that glass of tea or water may have been the best thing they had to offer you... Thanks!!